Albert Street Uniting Church , Australia
Submitted by Christ Vision on Fri, 05/03/2019 - 16:49
Located in the middle of Brisbane’s CBD, Albert Street Uniting Church is the spiritual home of Wesley Mission Queensland. The Heritage-listed building was designed by George Henry Male Addison, and built from 1888 to 1889. In the early 20th century, it was the main Methodist church in Brisbane, and became the Uniting Church after its formation in 1977. It’s made from red brick with white Oamaru limestone trimmings. Inside, the focus is on the raised pulpit and decoratively painted pipe organ.
Albert Street Uniting Church 319 Albert Street, Brisbane 4000 , Australia.
Phone No:
07 3071 3060, 1300541622
Organization Type:
Adult education
Christian bookstore
Christian school
Community service
Counseling services
Food pantry
Prison ministry
Radio ministry
Recovery group
Special needs
TV ministry
worship style:
Traditional worship
Primary Bible used:
King James Version (KJV)
Church's/Ministry's average weekly attendance?:
Most common worship attire?:
Parking at worship location:
About Church/Ministry :
The Albert Street Congregation sits in the heart of Brisbane CBD at the corner of Albert Street and Ann Street and is the spiritual home of Wesley Mission Queensland. Since its first acts of compassion and kindness in 1847, the Albert Street Congregation has had a vital presence in the Brisbane CBD, particularly among those who have often found themselves in need or on the margins of society.
As it has done for 170 years, the Congregation endeavours to express the Good News through its worship, witness and service that God continues to transform the world, bring healing and justice for all people. The church is committed to being a welcoming community of Christ: building faith, compassionately serving in mission with faithfulness, integrity and openness.
Albert Street Uniting Church has a community services division called Wesley Mission Queensland which was established in 1907 when affiliated with the Methodist Church (Methodist Central Mission). Currently we provide services throughout Queensland to people from a wide spectrum across the community including: the elderly (retirement living, residential aged care), youth and families at risk of homelessness, those living with a disability and people struggling with disadvantage who have nowhere else to turn. Wesley Mission Queensland employ a dedicated team of more than 2500 staff and 1500 volunteers. We are committed to addressing the issues facing our community and to offer services that see the person as a whole being created in the image of a loving God.
Our Purpose
As part of the Uniting Church in Australia we participate in the mission of God towards reconciliation, transformation, justice and hope for all people.
Our Vision
In response to God’s faithfulness to us, we are committed to
proclaiming the good news of Jesus the Christ, Son of God
being a welcoming community of Christ,
building faith,
compassionately serving in mission.
For the Albert Street congregation this means that we continue to commit ourselves to the following directions, always alert, open, and responsive to new opportunities to fulfil our vision:
Engage with the community through social media
Engage in the WMQ Reconciliation Action Plan
Train leadership and lay preachers in the Congregation
Resource young and old to grow in their faith
Encourage a broad theological base within the Congregation: creating safe places for faith sharing
Our Vision
In response to God’s faithfulness to us, we are committed to
proclaiming the good news of Jesus the Christ, Son of God
being a welcoming community of Christ,
building faith,
compassionately serving in mission.
For the Albert Street congregation this means that we continue to commit ourselves to the following directions, always alert, open, and responsive to new opportunities to fulfil our vision:
Engage with the community through social media
Engage in the WMQ Reconciliation Action Plan
Train leadership and lay preachers in the Congregation
Resource young and old to grow in their faith
Encourage a broad theological base within the Congregation: creating safe places for faith sharing